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Table 3 Treatment management and the viral load of the patient

From: A 28-year-old male patient with asymptomatic and multi-drug-resistant HBV infection: a case report

Viral load at inactive stage

Viral load (copies/mL) of the patient after treatment

After 1 year with entecavir (Jul, 2017)

After 2 years with entecavir (Aug, 2018)

After 3 year with entecavir (Sep, 2019)

After 1 year with pegylated interferons (Oct, 2020)

After 2 years with pegylated interferons (Nov, 2021)

After 1 year with Tenofo B (Dec, 2022)

1 × 104 copies/mL

1.3 × 104

1.5 × 104

1.3 × 105

1.7 × 105

1.1 × 106

1.86 × 106