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Table 8 Variation in the mean and range values of liver transaminases activities assessed on malaria infected patients in respect with their attitude towards management and treatment against malaria infection

From: Liver injury in malaria infected patients in Douala-Cameroon and its association with poor medical practice






Mean ± SD [Range]

Mean ± SD [Range]

Time to get to the hospital after the appearance of the first symptoms

Seven days (n=98)

82.7±33.5 [37-182]

77.1±31.1 [33-160]

Thirty days (n=15)

470±435.8*P1 [189-1904.9]

409.2±361.5*P1 [170-1823]

Take treatment from

Health center (n=19)

42.07±2.8 [37-48]

41.2±4.6 [33-48]

Pharmacy (n=12)

53.1±3.0 [48-58]

51.6±2.5 [47-56]

Herbalist (n=20

69.4±7.6 [57-85]

66.2±6.1 [65-74]

Auto-medication (n=62)

260.4 ± 199.2*P2 [86-1904.9]

226.6 ±165.3 *P2 [74-1823]

Type of malaria drug

ACT (n=77)

66.7±21.1 [36-100]

61.9±16.9 [33-95]

Quinine (n=19)

119.2±10.1*P3 [100-130]

109.5±11.4*P3 [94-125]

Traditional medication (n=22)

387.6±367.6*P4 [130-1904.9]

349.7±292.6*P4 [120.-1823]

Control (n=28)

35.8±4.9 [29.2-41.9]

34.7±4.1 [29.0-39.1]

Normal range



  1. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of two independent analyses in duplicate. * Values significantly (p<0.05) different when compared to control group. P1 Values significantly (p<0.05) different when compared between seven and thirty days; P2 Values significantly (p<0.05) different when compared between health center and auto-medication; P3 Values significantly (p<0.05) different when compared between ACT and Quinine; P4 Values significantly (p<0.05) different when compared between ACT and traditional medication. ALT Alanine aminotransferase, AST Aspartate aminotransferase. ACT Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy