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Table 4 Follow-up in Child–Pugh score and Child class and MELD score in the study group

From: Assessment of hepatic fibrosis, portal hemodynamic changes, and disease severity in patients with HCV-related liver cirrhosis after sustained virologic response to direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs)



n = 100”

3 months after the end of treatment

n = 100”

12 months after the end of treatment

n = 100”

P value

MELD score

9.05 ± 1.03

8.65 ± 2.63

P1 = 0.518b

8.54 ± 2.27

P2 = 0.338b

P = 0.431a

P3 = 0.738b

Child–Pugh score

5.73 ± 1.03

5.45 ± 1.02*

P1 < 0.04*b

5.27 ± 0.91

P2 < 0.03*b

P < 0.02*a

P3 = 0.276b

Child class

 • A

 • B

 • C

79 (79%)

21 (21.0%)

90 (90%)

7 (7%)

3 (1%)

P1 < 0.001**c

94 (94%)

5 (5%)

1 (1%)

P2 < 0.000***c

P < 0.000***c

P3 = 0.376c

  1. aP value using repeated measurements test for numeric data
  2. bP-value using Paired t-test test
  3. cChi-square test for non-numeric data
  4. * Significant difference P < 0.05
  5. ** Moderate significant difference P < 0.001
  6. *** Highly significant difference P < 0.000 
  7. P: comparison between baseline and 3, and 12 months after the end of treatment
  8. P1: comparison between baseline and 3 months after the end of treatment
  9. P2: comparison between baseline and 12 months after the end of treatment
  10. P3: comparison between 3 and 12 months after the end of treatment