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Table 6 Relation between LES/MCC, HGS/MCC and HE, serum albumin, and WBC count

From: Prognostic and diagnostic anthropometric biomarkers of sarcopenia in a cohort of Egyptian patients with hepatitis C-induced liver cirrhosis


Definitive sarcopenia



No (n = 62)

Yes (n = 18)

No (n = 59)

Yes (n = 21)



36 (58.1%)

9 (50%)

36 (61%)

9 (42.9%)


26 (41.9%)

9 (50%)

23 (39%)

12 (57.1%)

  χ2 (p)

0.369 (0.544)

2.075 (0.150)

Serum albumin

 Mean ± SD

2.7 ± 0.6

2.4 ± 0.5

2.7 ± 0.6

2.4 ± 0.5

  t (p)

2.238* (0.028*)

2.226* (0.029*)

WBCs count

 Mean ± SD

7.1 ± 5.4

8.2 ± 5.3

6.8 ± 4.5

9 ± 7.1

  U (p)

473.50 (0.330)

524.0 (0.296)

  1. HE hepatic encephalopathy, WBCs white blood cell count
  2. *Statistically significant at ≤0.05