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Table 1 Data of hepatic hemangioma patients included in the study

From: Natural history of hepatic hemangiomas as a guide for surgical indication

Total number of patients






Age (median, range) years

45, (18–68)

Total number of hemangioma lesions


 Number of patients with single lesion


 Number of patients with multiple lesions


Hemangioma diameter (median, range) cm

4.7 (1–21)

Hemangioma location (total = 244 lesion)

 Right lobe

178 (73%)

 Left lobe

66 (27%)

Surface hemangioma

212 (87%)

Intraparenchymatous hemangioma

32 (13%)

Hemangioma growth pattern (number, %)

 Increased in diameter

89 (48%)


41 (22%)


56 (30%)

Clinical presentation (number, %)


169 (91%)


17 (9%)

Patients with hemangioma diameter ≥ 10 cm

35 (19%)

Growth rate at (18–45-year group) mm/year, (mean ± SD)


3.3 ± 2


3.9 ± 1.8

Growth rate at (˃ 45-year group) mm/year



2.6 ± 1.7


− 2.1 ± 1.1

  1. Data are presented as number and % unless otherwise indicated